Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 3 - where did the time go?

Day 3 - 12.29.12
While these two kids are the most important facets of my life right now - they are not making it very easy to find time to write.  I finished my first chapter yesterday and was really gung ho on tackling the 2nd chapter today.  Well, I managed the 1st paragraph.  Not near what I had hoped or planned. 
I realized I am doing alot of my creative writing in from of the computer, so I am going to try something different.  I already had the basic outline and scriptures and order as God laid it out for me.  My thought is to write out a more detailed outline so that when I sit down to write, I have more of a plan of action and it is not my creative process and writing process at the same time.  We shall see.  I don't want to deviate from God's plan but I do want to accomplish more when I do have time to write. 
I don't want this taking a year to get out - my emotions and feelings are still fresh - I am actually walking through a new situation which is requiring me to use the tools God created through me this summer and I want to be able to incorporate those real time into the book so as it unfolds it is a testimony to God's faithfulness and how this process - Scriptural Based Therapy - SBT - can help anyone get through a crises or even their everyday life. 
Time to go rest and work on this outline.  I pray the Lord will bless me with clarity and vision and continue to bless this process and move me forward even when I doubt and tire.  May he always remind me that this is His story to share with the world and I am just his conduit.
Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy and love.

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